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Quartz, The New “digitally native news outlet” Is a Giant Step Forward For Content Management

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Digital Publishing, Newspapers, Strategy | 0 comments

Publishers, news orgs, and design mavens are paying close attention to the launch of Quartz, the new business news site, or as they call...

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Generational News Publishing

Posted by on Jan 16, 2012 in Business, Digital Publishing, Newspapers | Comments Off on Generational News Publishing

Ok, a bit of a “harumph” here, but this piece reminds me of the “Filter Bubble,” argument so well described by Eli Pariser. Clicking on...

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Editors, Algorithms, and the New Media

Posted by on Nov 6, 2011 in Business, Digital Publishing, Newspapers, Social Media | Comments Off on Editors, Algorithms, and the New Media

I had a very enjoyable and informative breakfast with a good friend the other day. He’s the editor of a large suburban newspaper in...

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Media Geeks v. Tech Geeks

Posted by on May 26, 2011 in Business, Digital Publishing, Newspapers | Comments Off on Media Geeks v. Tech Geeks

A great (though late for me) read is this week’s Monday’s Note, edited by Frédéric Filloux. The focus of the story is how...

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AOL Bets Politics, and Their Ads, Are Local

Posted by on May 21, 2011 in Business, Digital Publishing, Newspapers, Social Media | Comments Off on AOL Bets Politics, and Their Ads, Are Local

Not long ago AOL talked about using their network of Patch sites to cover the upcoming 2012 elections in a very local way. With the...

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