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News is Dead, Long Live the News

Posted by on Jan 28, 2017 in Business, Content Strategy, Newspapers, Social Media | Comments Off on News is Dead, Long Live the News

There have never been more ways to get your news than there is today. Each generation has seen its “new media moment” from the newspapers,...

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Original Content, Not As Easy As It Looks

Posted by on Jan 28, 2017 in Content Strategy, Social Media | 0 comments

Not long after writing about my respect for Snapchat and their foray into the news publishing world, Deadline Hollywood (yet another news...

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Hating “Content” is now a Thing

Posted by on Jan 24, 2017 in Business, Content Management, Content Strategy, Newspapers | Comments Off on Hating “Content” is now a Thing

Newspapers are still fighting for respect in the digital age of news, but picking nits – regarding the way some people in the news and...

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