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We Won’t Get Fooled Again

Posted by on Nov 12, 2012 in Content Management, Digital Publishing, Social Media, Strategy | Comments Off on We Won’t Get Fooled Again

Hurricane Sandy brought devastation to the east coast, and with it, amazing stories and even more amazing images. The problem was, a lot...

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Quick Thinker Award goes to State Farm’s “Backup Site Covered By” on Gawker Sites

Posted by on Nov 2, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Digital Publishing, Strategy | Comments Off on Quick Thinker Award goes to State Farm’s “Backup Site Covered By” on Gawker Sites

UPDATE: 2012-11-02 | Ad Age has an update on the who’s/how’s/why’s regarding the sponsorship, and other goodies...

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Quartz, The New “digitally native news outlet” Is a Giant Step Forward For Content Management

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Digital Publishing, Newspapers, Strategy | 0 comments

Publishers, news orgs, and design mavens are paying close attention to the launch of Quartz, the new business news site, or as they call...

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NYMag Nails The Progress of Digital Publishing

Posted by on Apr 11, 2012 in Content Management, Digital Publishing, Newspapers | Comments Off on NYMag Nails The Progress of Digital Publishing

NYMag’s Daily Intel published today one of the many stories about the $1B purchase of Instagram by Internet giant Facebook. This...

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Blaming the Brand at Kodak

Posted by on Jan 20, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Content Marketing, Newspapers | Comments Off on Blaming the Brand at Kodak

Leave it to marketers to blame the brand for Kodak’s failure, and not the product. A very interesting article by Al Ries regarding...

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