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Quartz, The New “digitally native news outlet” Is a Giant Step Forward For Content Management

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Digital Publishing, Newspapers, Strategy | 0 comments

Publishers, news orgs, and design mavens are paying close attention to the launch of Quartz, the new business news site, or as they call...

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The Ecosystem of Content

Posted by on Jan 30, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Content Marketing, Digital Publishing | Comments Off on The Ecosystem of Content

As the shift of available content continues to tilt to the digital side of the world, companies are finding that while becoming your own...

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Blaming the Brand at Kodak

Posted by on Jan 20, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Content Marketing, Newspapers | Comments Off on Blaming the Brand at Kodak

Leave it to marketers to blame the brand for Kodak’s failure, and not the product. A very interesting article by Al Ries regarding...

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The Lessons of Digital Content – Where is the Paperboy?

Posted by on Jan 17, 2012 in Business, Content Management, Content Marketing, Digital Publishing, Newspapers, Social Media | Comments Off on The Lessons of Digital Content – Where is the Paperboy?

We’re past the point of just dabbling with content on the Internet. Gone are the days of pontificating “Content is...

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The Lessons Learned from Kodak and Fujifilms

Posted by on Jan 16, 2012 in Business, Digital Publishing, Newspapers | Comments Off on The Lessons Learned from Kodak and Fujifilms

The Economist has a great story on why Fujifilm is surviving while Kodak is fading away. The correlations with the publishing world jump...

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